Victor Picou - Artist
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My main expression in sculpture, drawing and painting has resulted in unique shapes, moods and inspiration. Translucent stone and my joy of light influences form and shadow. Modeling clay by hand is a passionate element to creativity. Sketching from life is exciting when I capture the gesture and the color of the expression. Poetry helps me understand my feelings.

My sculpture expresses harmony and strength, spontaneity and continuity. Themes of birth, movement and infinite curves dominate my work. A variety of natural forms and human nature provides endless inspiration.

I have been exploring color creating small porcelain masks, embroidery and pointillism (using Qtips). Color is love, as I now start hand weaving yarn into wire structures. I continue my enjoyment of paining dried kelp seed heads, and dried Bird of Paradise leaves.A gesture of love, a person’s face or body, or the opening of a leaf provides me with living models.


Represented by:



My art is in private collections across the USA and Canada, and in these public  installations:
Moonflower”, limestone, 5’ x 5’ x 30” - Kaiser Medical Center, Seattle, WA
>”Stone Flower”, limestone, 5’ - Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, WA
>” St Thomas, The Apostle”  limestone, 3’ - St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Hollywood, CA
> Headstone for Ronald Taylor Kunkel, granite, 4’ - Taylor Cemetery, Ruby, MT
>” Flower For Nellie”, limestone - Instituto de Allende, San Miguel de Allende , Mexico

LIFESPRING, marble sculpture in North Hollywood



Paul Belardo Sculpture Award

Exhibited at the Palm Springs Art Museum, Artists Council Exhibition 2015

“The Enlightenment of the Digital Wave”, African Wonderstone 14

x 25 x 18



* President - Pasadena Society of Artists (2014 – 2020, Vice President 2024-present
* Charter Member - Northwest Stone Sculptors Association (1987- present)
*Northwest Stone Sculptors Symposium Director (1989-2000),President 1989-1996
* Founding Member - California Sculptors Symposium Inc (2003- present)
*California Sculptors Symposium Director (2003-2015),President 2005-2015

  *BFA Fine Arts, University of Washington 1976